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Readers will stay with an author, no matter what the variations in style and genre, as long as they get that sense of story, of character, of empathetic involvment ~Dean Koontz


Realistic Fiction--Realistic fiction stories are stories with a contemporary problem or issue to solve.  When written for children they often have main characters who are at or near the age of those who would be expected to read them.  They are also generally upbeat, where the main character wins the day in real ways.
Historical Fiction--Historical fiction stories revolve around a past event, time period, or problem from mankinds past. Setting is often the most important element as the author tries to convey a feeling of being in the time period of the story they are telling.
Fantasy--Fantasy requires the reader to 'suspend belief" as they read the story.  These are stories that couldn't happen in the real world and often involvle mythic and magical creatures and themes.
Science Fiction--Science fiction stories are created with a speculative theme of futuristic technology.  It differs from the fantasy genre in that although it isn't possible in the present it could happen in the future.
Folktales--Folktales are stories passed down through many generations largely by oral storytelling. Myths, tall tales, and legends are examples of this genre.
Poetry and Verse--This genre uses language, sound devices, rhythm, rhyme, and symbolism in order to create an emotional response in the reader.
Picture Books--Picture books are short books that combine the written story with artistic illustrations that combine to stimulate younger students imagination or to promote their cognitive development.
Graphic Novels--Graphic novels are the comic strips or comic books that we have all grown up surrounded by.  They can be fiction or non-fiction and involve telling the story with words and visual media.  The superhero genre has been the most popular theme of this genre in the past but is being caught up to by a wide variety of themes.
Manga--Extremely popular in Japan and Asia where this genre traces its roots.  The stories often involve stories that are culturally significant in Japan and are linked to popular television and movie anime.
Autobiography/Biography--this genre is a form of nonfiction and is written about the life or important works of a specific person.  Autobiographies are written by the person being written about while biographies are written by someone other than that person.
Nonfiction/Informational--Nonfiction is written in order to convey specific information on real things, places, or events.  It is based on factual information.